Fjoralba Caka

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Fjoralba Caka

Of Counsel

Fjoralba Caka has been a lecturer of European Union Law and Internal Market nearby Faculty of Law, University of Tirana since 2008. She has a Master in European Union Business Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana as well as a LLM in Business and Corporate Law from University of San Diego, School of Law, USA (Fulbright Program) and a Master Degree in European Studies- Governance and Regulation, ZEI Bonn (Germany). She has also been a visiting researcher in different centers of excellence, such as Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law (Hamburg), in Washington and Lee University (Virginia) and Europa-Institut(Saarbrücken).

She is a member of the Albanian Bar Association since 2009 and started her practice working as a lawyer for serveralNGOs on strategic litigations. Fjoralba has worked as an expert in drafting legislation and monitoring the legal approximation of the Albanian legislation with EU acquis, specifically in fields of competition law, internal market and consumer law. She has been also a trainer in the training of judges in the Magistrate School of Albania for issues of EU law and contributed on different national and international projects on issues of EU law and the EU accession process.

In 2019-2020 she held the position of Deputy Minister of Justice, serving as Negotiator for Chapter 23 of the EU Negotiations (Judiciary, Anti-Corruption, Fundamental Rights). Actually she is a member of the EU Integration Partnership Platform for Chapter 23 and Chapter 5 (Public Procurement).  

Her main fields of expertise covers: competition law, state aid, consumer protection, international trade, data protection, platform regulation, digital markets and artificial intelligence.